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CRAFTER Crafted To Be The Best!



We strive to build the guitar of your dreams using the skill and experience we have gained over the past 50 years.

CRAFTER Wood Story

Wood Choice

The types of wood and their quality are key to the tone and look of a guitar. Characteristics such as grain and color are basic to the appearance whereas the kind of woods, their grain and their density, are fundamental to tone and volume. There are no “best” woods for you guitar. Choose the combination that produces the tone and look that appeals to your taste.

CRAFTER Wood Story

Book Matching

When we use solid tops or backs we take care to “book match” the left and right halves. Not only does the symmetry look really good but the left and right halves have the same resonance and this is an important contributor to balanced tone. The picture below illustrates how we book match our woods.

CRAFTER Wood Story

Wood drying

The natural woods that we use have to be conditioned to contain the right amount of moisture and resins. We stack our wood in custom built drying rooms which are both temperature and humidity controlled and the process takes between 2 and 3 years. Once completed, and the tops and backs are book matched,the wood is moved to climate controlled store rooms where the moisture and resin content are kept stable. Good preparation of tone woods takes time and requires sophisticated facilities but if it is not done properly the instrument is at risk of twisting and distorting.
